Pistachio Cream Pasta

After dining on the delectable pistachio pasta at Pizzeria Regina in Ostuni, I was determined to recreate this incredible dish. I’m not going to lie, it turned out pretty amazingly…let’s not wait any more… Pistachio Cream Pasta Note: Making the pistachio cream from scratch (essentially pistachio butter) did not yield the same results. Buy pistachio…

Swiss Bad Day Pasta

2024 has been off to a strange start to say the least. Here to make that better is the Swiss-est bad day pasta. This recipe easily has ingredients that can be stocked in the fridge so you can pull them out for the cheesiest, coziest, most comforting bad day meal this side of Switzerland. Swiss Bad…

Reale Corona- Moncalvo

For our Saturday night out in Moncalvo, we hit up the best reviewed restaurant we could find- Reale Corona. The restaurant defo had some highs and lows. It’s perhaps we needed more guidance in our order, but I’d give it another go. We were beautifully seated in the window which would have had exceptional sunset…

Caffe dell’Oro- Florence

On night one, I didn’t venture too far, thanks to my 02:30 sleeplessness. Lucky for me, I’d thought ahead and booked Caffe dell’Oro at the sister property of my beloved Continentale, just next door. The set-up was so chic, with the Italian women at the neighboring table in an eclectic mix of playing card sized…

Al Cavaliere- Lido

Travel days are always weird ones in terms of meal timings, especially with two parents in tow, so the day we arrived in Lido was no exception. In desperate need of a 17:00 dinner, we stumbled across Al Cavaliere who thankfully was serving nonstop for folks like us. Upon entering, I realized I’d dined here…

Grand Hotel Tremezzo & T Beach

Grand Hotel Tremezzo holds such a special place in my heart after spending several afternoons and evenings there a few years ago. While I was just staying down the road, the hotel was such a fun mix of high-end hospitality and whimsy that I absolutely could not resist it. I was so grateful that T…

Big Mamma’s Famous Truffle Pasta

No, I’m not calling myself Big Mama, not to worry. For my birthday, a Wednesday, with restaurants shut down for the Rona, I needed a fun, indulgent recipe to whip up for the occasion. Thanks to French Vogue, I landed on Big Mamma’s Famous Truffle Pasta. Could the name be any better? And possibly less…

Ulivo, Nyon

Another stay at the gorgeous Ambassador Hotel, Nyon, found me dining in their intimate restaurant on a Monday night when the rest of the city shuts down. The best dish that I have had in Switzerland, maybe ever, was this octopus Mosaic. Thin crudo with chick peas and olive oil was absolutely the perfect start…

Ina/Flo’s Bolognese- AKA Flolognese

I’m anxiously awaiting Hurricane Florence in Raleigh, NC, this week and while the forecast keeps changing, the contents of my freezer have not. A pound of ground beef, some canned tomatoes, what’s a girl to do but make Ina Garten’s Bolognese sauce? I came up with this solid life plan when I realize that my…

Give Your Valentine (Cordon) Bleu Balls

I have a confession:  I love Valentine’s Day. I detest heart-shaped things- jewelry, desserts, home goods- but I adore this holiday. Yes, it’s totally cheesy and a little embarrassing to admit, but it’s true. Relationship or naw, it’s an excuse to pamper someone you love (that someone can totally be yourself), pop some quality vino,…

Mother and Sons

I saw no mother and no sons at Durham’s Mother and Sons. I did see a very chic sommelier/manager in the most bomb ass long wool skirt accented with a thick belt and a 20″ waistline. File that under, people who should not be allowed to work in a pasta restaurant. Several skinny waitresses later,…

Cooking My Way Onto the Catwalk

Great news, ya’ll! Chef Jaime drank the super model Kool-Aid (which tastes a lot like vino)!! She’s on board with cheesy, carb-laden dishes, just like they teach you in super model school. Thank goodness – it was getting lonely over here, just me and Chrissy in the kitchen every weekend. Here’s the first leg of Chef…