Knightsbridge Spots- London

If you have a moment to yourself in London as a solo traveler, it’s always a fun idea to stick your head into Harrod’s for the ultimate window shop. Or, find a squat at the Moet champagne bar for a glass of fizz and people watching.

Had enough of the above ground location and seeking something more subterranean red room? You’re in luck as the Baccarat bar is just a few flights of stairs away in the basement- dangerously close to the Smythson shop I might add….

When you’ve emptied your wallet and need to fill your stomach, hop across the street to Harry’s Dolce Vita. Reservations are advised, but often you can find space at the bar where other solo diners are indulging in truffled arancini just like you’re about to be.

On this particular indulgent evening I opted for their pasta with zucchini pesto and burrata, topped up with some toasted pine nuts for a satisfying crunch. Note to self- try to recreate at home.

For dessert, I’d recommend you stick with their signature Toadstool dessert, but on this occasion I went for just a scoop of gelato with olive oil and rosemary. Not a fan, but it was fun to try something new.
