Botteghe Antiche- Putignano

For our one very long, and very humid stroll to town, away from the cozy comfort of our Airbnb, we found ourselves lured by the 55EUR (75EUR with wine) tasting menu offered by Botteghe Antiche. As one of the first tables seated at 19:30, we were clearly situated in a back room meant for tourists seeking this menu, as the larger, more boisterous dining room seemed to be full of local families enjoying a festive meal and view of the semi-open kitchen.

The menu started with four(!) appetizers. The best being the Italian gazpacho, perfect after a long walk.

Followed by a cold rost beef which was also nice.

There was then a less than enjoyable wine shoots and pureed fava beans which tasted exactly as it looks.

And finally, half of a pastry stuffed with eggplant and a little cheese- though, it was mostly pastry.

The first course was a dark orecchiette with veggies. I couldn’t get past the color or heartiness of the pasta itself and rank this as one of the least enjoyable pasta dishes ever.

The second course more than made up for the pasta course… perfectly cooked steak topped with lightly fried zucchini chips. This was absolutely to die for. I’d skip the whole tasting bit and come back just for this. The portion was full size, nothing tasting about this so I was only sad that I physically couldn’t finish it.

Dessert was a honey-like dessert wine that was absolutely divine and what I must call a tiramisu taco which was nothing to write home about.
