Hotel Da Vinci- Paris

If you can’t make it home for Thanksgiving, Paris is a great second choice- though you can forget the turkey and stuffing, but may still have a chance for some pommes. That’s precisely what happened this year. We stayed in St. Germain at the Hotel Da Vinci, already outfitted for Christmas cheer, whose moody interior…

Ina’s Pank Crusted Lamb

Lamb is always a favorite, but having never made it at home, it was time to give it a go. Naturally, I turned to Ina with excitement. That’s when the gentleman took over the cooking. An excellent chef, he declared the recipe “too simple” which for me is an excellent sign of a first home…

Chocolate Hazelnut Tart

Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for a myriad of things in particular this year, also for anyone whose taken a moment to follow my adventures in planes, trains, and kitchens. Wishing you a gorgeously delicious one, my loves! Not much for chocolate, but finding myself making tons of choco desserts these days… I was even more suprised…

Hotel Nani Mocenigo Palace- Venice

If you’re preparing to move house and are all packed up, living in a land of boxes and misfit freezer food, it’s highly recommended to exit the premises and take off for a weekend away to clear your head even if your space hasn’t been. After a long trip to the US, the gentleman sorted…

Golden Chicken Soup

Inspired by the Dinner Tonight newsletter recipe staring my inbox in the face for far too long, one chilly Swiss evening finally brought it to my lips. I can see it being a winter time, feel good staple. Golden Chicken Soup 1. Preheat oven to 400F. 2. Lightly coat broccoli with olive oil, sprinkle with…

Knightsbridge Spots- London

If you have a moment to yourself in London as a solo traveler, it’s always a fun idea to stick your head into Harrod’s for the ultimate window shop. Or, find a squat at the Moet champagne bar for a glass of fizz and people watching. Had enough of the above ground location and seeking…

Ina’s Brownie Pudding

All I can say is that it’s much better than it looks! Gooey center, crispy top, makes Ina’s Brownie Pudding the perfect base for a scoop of ice cream while unwinding after a long moving day. The first thing that I baked in the new house as it required one dish and a handful of…

Morton’s Manor- Corfe

The seaside in the south of the UK holds a special place in the heart of the gentleman, so he planned a weekend away for us so I could see for myself. We stayed at the moody, but stately Morton’s Manor in Corfe. Each nook of the property was more charming than the next, in…

Steinhalle- Bern- Revisited

Of course a promotion needs a Michelin star dinner and for that, we hit up the veritable Steinhalle in Bern, which gave me my favorite Switzerland meal (thus far) earlier in the year. The gorgeous building looks so romantic (and a little spooky) at night. The Steinhalle team decides if they will serve in or…