Chic- Ibiza Town

Upon arriving in Ibiza Town, we took a long stroll, taking in the colorful buildings draped in bougainvilla. A nice change from the somewhat studenty/clubby vibe of Saint Anthony. Turning left into the cutest restaurant we could find, we landed ourselves at “Chic,” which purported to be a little taps fusion spot. We’d hammed and…

Mi Nina Lola- Malaga

These views. What more is there to say? Teasing days in advance over long, hot sticky walks into Malaga… I couldn’t wait for dinner on a seaside cliff. She wanted; so she did…and all that… These details. This main. My heart breaks in the best way… “Fish and chips.” I’ll leave it at that… Then…

Puerto Romano- Marbella

After a few nights stay in Malaga, we took a cab along the cliffs of the coast to Marbella where we were dropped off at the most amazing resort/neighborhood, Puerto Romano. I’ve never seen such a beautiful place in my life! It was like a sprawling super, super large resort of Mexico, but with more…

La Bodega- Ibiza

After a relocation to Ibiza Town, much more my style than the dodgy St. Anthony, we tested La Bodega for it’s well rated tapas. The place was BUZZING! Communal tables and high energy waitstaff (think cut off denim shorts and light up headpieces on the men) in an echo chamber of a space of oddities…

Tapas- St. Anthony, Ibiza

With the need for a pre-dance party fueling (because that’s what you do at 40, as it turns out), we headed to the best rated Tapas spot in Saint Anthony, the brilliantly named, Tapas. We set off for a long walk on a rather dark road and eventually found this beacon in the darkness. It…

BG Hotel Nautico Ebeso

We booked our last Ibiza night at BG Hotel Nautico Ebeso as it was close to the aiport and offered pool and spa to enjoy during the day as we waited for a late flight. The hotel served its purpose quite well for a waiting game- gorgeous pool, live music, inexpensive bar (though creepy bar…

Auberge de Duillier

As it turns out, I’m moving! Life comes at you fast and just when you think you might go one direction, something else appears out of the blue. A house in a neighboring village it would be then! To celebrate, there was a beautiful evening with laughter and (happy) tears at the charming Auberge de…

Chocolate Nanaimo Bars

Not one for chocolately desserts usually, these Nanaimo bars blew me away! I made them as part of a cafe gourmand experience that I was putting together and they’ll definitely be back for the regular, bar cookie rotation. Chocolate Nanaimo Bars First Layer Second Layer (Note: full recipe below, next time I would consider halving…

NYT Lemon Tart- M&M Edition

Looking for a somewhat light dessert to complement my French dinner party, I opted for the very well reviewed New York Times Lemon Tart recipe. Little did I read far enough that the star of this show should be Meyer lemons which I did not locate in Indiana in spring. Regular ole’ lemons it would…

Maceo- Paris

A long walk through my new-to-me local neighborhood yielded tons of options for wine bars and restaurants- I was sad I wasn’t staying longer to try them all! Maceo looked like an excellent combination of wine bar and restaurant, so it’s where I secured my reservation for one. The restaurant is old school pretty and…